Hard Times Actually DO Build Character

The hardest times are ahead of us - health, political, social, and for some mental.  Calls to suicide hotlines have grown exponentially by all accounts.

Our years of handing out participation trophies has gained us hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of citizens who cannot handle negative news or hard times.

I recently listened to a podcast where an expert talked about how difficult times literally build mental strength.  Each time we go through difficult or stressful events, chemicals are released in our brain to deal with it; the more incidents, the more our brain becomes hardwired to deal with difficulty.

It goes a long way towards explaining why people from poor, agrarian backgrounds so often become some of our best soldiers, sailors, and Marines.  The horror of war is something easier for them to roll with, giving them vital mental and emotional resources to deal with the issues at hand instead of spending them on accepting the difficult environment they find themselves in.

And so it goes with difficulties in our own lives.  It's often been said that God teaches us and strengthens us through adversity.  This is literally and figuratively true, as is the axiom, "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Focus on what's important, don't panic, a bit of a fatalistic attitude goes a long way towards acceptance and the ability to deal with life.

And, don't forget addressing the spiritual needs of you and your family.

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