M4 Tips & Tricks from a Real Expert
In the grand scheme of things, most of us rely on either an AR or AK pattern rifle for our long gun needs. And, out of those choices, the vast majority will choose the AR. It is currently the most common and popular rifle in the hands of Americans.

(Picture from Defense Review article linked below)
I'm doing this a bit backwards and linking to a technical article which will only be of interest to those of you who own ad run AR's. I should really start with WHY you need an AR (and you do). So, for those of you on the fence about purchasing, file this away for future reference.... and, it's a buyer's market out there for AR's. Good ones are never going to be cheaper, so go shopping!
Anyway, back to what I'm linking to. It's an article by Mike Pannone. Quick intro: Mr. Pannone has the distinction of having been both in the USMC Force Recon and Army Delta. To say he's qualified to talk about such things is a gross understatement.
The article is about how to make your AR as reliable as possible in a few easy steps. It's from 2010, but still as true today. In a fit of smug self-righteousness, I've prescribed to everything he advocates except the H3 buffer & I'll be making that change.
On with the show: From Defense Review, "The Big M4 Myth: ‘Fouling caused by the direct impingement gas system makes the M4/M4A1 Carbine unreliable.'"
PS - while it's technical, it's not as dry as it sounds if you want a reliable rifle.

(Picture from Defense Review article linked below)
I'm doing this a bit backwards and linking to a technical article which will only be of interest to those of you who own ad run AR's. I should really start with WHY you need an AR (and you do). So, for those of you on the fence about purchasing, file this away for future reference.... and, it's a buyer's market out there for AR's. Good ones are never going to be cheaper, so go shopping!
Anyway, back to what I'm linking to. It's an article by Mike Pannone. Quick intro: Mr. Pannone has the distinction of having been both in the USMC Force Recon and Army Delta. To say he's qualified to talk about such things is a gross understatement.
The article is about how to make your AR as reliable as possible in a few easy steps. It's from 2010, but still as true today. In a fit of smug self-righteousness, I've prescribed to everything he advocates except the H3 buffer & I'll be making that change.
On with the show: From Defense Review, "The Big M4 Myth: ‘Fouling caused by the direct impingement gas system makes the M4/M4A1 Carbine unreliable.'"
PS - while it's technical, it's not as dry as it sounds if you want a reliable rifle.