COVID-19/corona virus as of March 15, 2020
There is so much unknown at this time.
The panic level is off the charts. Panic is never a good response to anything, but the rise of it can lead us to reasoned action. So, how much of the underlying emotion leading to this panic is justified?
I do believe the MSM has been yelling "Fire" in crowded theater. But, we're not even sure there is smoke yet.
It has already been a wild, disastrous ride economically and many are going to find themselves between a rock and a hard place. I'm no socialist, but I hope apartment landlords and bank mortgage managers allow some grace while we get through this. Sending families by the thousands out onto the streets because they lived paycheck to paycheck is not in the best interest of this country.
Here is a link of the David Harris Jr show interviewing Gary Heavin, a health care expert. It's long at an hour, but I won't bury the lead: he said this could be worse than the Spanish Flu due to the incubation period which is now estimated to be as long as four weeks. Also, Mr. Heavin calls it a Level IV bio-weapon.
Mr. Heavin is self-quarantining his ranch in Texas for 90 days. Sounds like a slice of Heaven to me, but the reason, of course, is anything but.
The prediction is also that Trump's reelection is no longer based on the economy, but on how he handles this health crisis. Honestly, I see no upside politically. It's like Bush with Katrina and New Orleans, the arms chair quarterbacking is going to go on for years.
The CDC is already being called incompetent, which, in all fairness, it probably is. Our government has become too bloated with bureaucracy to move. Trump promises millions of tests due to a rapid restructuring of government's response. Maybe. We'll see.
Face it, it's going to be an economic and political disaster even if it does turn out to have the mortality rate of the flu or it jumps to 3%, 4%, or 10%.
God's hand is in all things. He isn't required to work in ways we understand. It is up to us to accept and pray for mercy and guidance. We can only do what we can do.
The panic level is off the charts. Panic is never a good response to anything, but the rise of it can lead us to reasoned action. So, how much of the underlying emotion leading to this panic is justified?
I do believe the MSM has been yelling "Fire" in crowded theater. But, we're not even sure there is smoke yet.
It has already been a wild, disastrous ride economically and many are going to find themselves between a rock and a hard place. I'm no socialist, but I hope apartment landlords and bank mortgage managers allow some grace while we get through this. Sending families by the thousands out onto the streets because they lived paycheck to paycheck is not in the best interest of this country.
Here is a link of the David Harris Jr show interviewing Gary Heavin, a health care expert. It's long at an hour, but I won't bury the lead: he said this could be worse than the Spanish Flu due to the incubation period which is now estimated to be as long as four weeks. Also, Mr. Heavin calls it a Level IV bio-weapon.

The prediction is also that Trump's reelection is no longer based on the economy, but on how he handles this health crisis. Honestly, I see no upside politically. It's like Bush with Katrina and New Orleans, the arms chair quarterbacking is going to go on for years.
The CDC is already being called incompetent, which, in all fairness, it probably is. Our government has become too bloated with bureaucracy to move. Trump promises millions of tests due to a rapid restructuring of government's response. Maybe. We'll see.
Face it, it's going to be an economic and political disaster even if it does turn out to have the mortality rate of the flu or it jumps to 3%, 4%, or 10%.
God's hand is in all things. He isn't required to work in ways we understand. It is up to us to accept and pray for mercy and guidance. We can only do what we can do.