COVID-19/corona virus as of March 22, 2020

Yesterday morning, Italy released new numbers as reported by Fox News.

You can do the math, but it comes out to a 9% mortality rate, much higher than the rest of the world.

In fact, somewhere else on the interwebz, where exactly I can't remember, think it was BBC, reported a world wide death rate that comes out to about 4%.  That is much higher than has been modeled, but a few things are going on here from what I can see.

First, Italy's health system appears to be overwhelmed with people being triaged and wheeled into corners to die without any medical care.  Those are the stories which are coming out, and these numbers are on the heels of videos coming out of Italy saying the media is under-reporting (of all things) the severity of the illness.

This brings up stories of the Spanish Flu and how the death rates from the same contagion today would be lower now simply due to the care, rest, fluids, and sanitation we can provide in a modern society... or can we?  Italy makes one wonder.

It does seem to make the self-quarantining a sensible thing, to ease the tension on a strained medical system.  When it works, it does reduce the mortality rate.  But, if it's not working, nature will gladly step right in and do what it wants to.

Then, Glenn Beck relayed findings from scientists in London that for self-quarantining to work it needs to go on for 18 months.  This is a typical case of myopia on the part of the "experts".  They focus only on their single area of expertise, minimizing the disease and giving labs time to create a vaccine, while ignoring the bigger picture - how does life and the economy reasonably continue?

The global economy needs to be addressed as well.  Someone from the UK suggested that everyone go out, be exposed to COVID-19, take the hit of death rate, and build a herd immunity.  Someone else crunched the numbers and came up with a total deaths at 156,000,000 world wide, a 2.2% death rate.  The person, so typical in our age of "every second of life matters" mentality, was castigated to the point where they took down their post.

May I remind you that life is a terminal disease to begin with.  No one gets out alive.  And, of those 156M, how many are so ill that the next flu or cold will take them out anyway?

Do you really want to crash the future of your children and grand-children for a few extra months or years of what you know is temporary now?  Because this is how you do that.

We could easily come out of this pandemic with a socialist or fascist world government.  What?  How did he get there?!?  Easy - how many people are economically prepared to deal with 18 months off work without the government getting involved?  Once involved, how may see the government getting out of their affairs after the fact?  For those in doubt may I point out that the US still has troops in Germany and Japan this long after WWII and that social programs put into place during the Great Depression are still kicking.

Give the people in government - because government is just a group of people who tend to not be led by any religious ethical code - a taste of power, what will the outcome be?

The World is self-quarantining for two weeks.  Use them.  Decide how you want the next 18 months to unfold and what you are willing to accept in terms of economy vs lives.  Contact your politicians and be heard.  Be pragmatic, the future is at stake.

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