George Orwell - a Last Warning

Here is a two minute video on YouTube stemming from an interview (or at least a dramatization of an interview) with George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and 1984.

Image may contain George Orwell Face Human Person Head Photo Portrait and Photography

The words are well known, but, as the years pass, they become ever more poignant and more on point.

A bit of thought, not a lot, but a bit, is required to think about how to heed such words.  From there will stem a tree of ideas, branches going every which way, but buds green with freedom and not red with the blood of Communism/Fascism/Totalitarianism.

Yes, blood may be inevitable, it so often has been in the human struggle throughout history, but if it so, is this not why we teach (taught?) values clarification and the idea of triage to our middle-schoolers?  I suppose I live in the past, but, if blood is to be spilt better theirs than ours, better mine than yours, and, yet, better none at all if freedom can be secured without it.

It's not like we haven't been warned...

Socialism in America | The Spruce Tunnel

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