Transitioning a Society
This "quarantine" was intended to "flatten the curve". Mission accomplished. Now, get out of our way so we can fix the damage done by you, the politician.
It was never about making sure no one ever caught the virus. In fact, for herd immunity to work, the majority of people need to be exposed and build anti-bodies against the contagion. We are prolonging the inevitable by keeping people locked down and businesses closed. Once everything opens, there will be a spike in COVID-19 cases, and that is OK.
The greatest threat to America and the world right now is not the virus, it is the transfer of power from the people to the politicians. It's transferring because we are all obeying orders which are schizophrenic (release murders and put paddle boarders in jail) and downright illegal (where does the Constitution list who is "essential" and who is not?).
Historically and Biblically, the sick were quarantined while the healthy went about the business of sustaining the society.
If you are forced to stay in your house because you are sick, it is a "quarantine."
If you are healthy and forced by the power of the law to not go out it is "house arrest."
It was never about making sure no one ever caught the virus. In fact, for herd immunity to work, the majority of people need to be exposed and build anti-bodies against the contagion. We are prolonging the inevitable by keeping people locked down and businesses closed. Once everything opens, there will be a spike in COVID-19 cases, and that is OK.
The greatest threat to America and the world right now is not the virus, it is the transfer of power from the people to the politicians. It's transferring because we are all obeying orders which are schizophrenic (release murders and put paddle boarders in jail) and downright illegal (where does the Constitution list who is "essential" and who is not?).
Historically and Biblically, the sick were quarantined while the healthy went about the business of sustaining the society.
If you are forced to stay in your house because you are sick, it is a "quarantine."
If you are healthy and forced by the power of the law to not go out it is "house arrest."