Warrior Poet Society Network

When I started this blog, I did so with every bit of monetization turned off.  I felt that the blog served many purposes - an outlet for my writing bug, a way to formulate my thoughts into cohesive arguments, and, more than anything, a way to reach out and share my view of the world with, well, the world, but mostly friends and family.  That just didn't seem to qualify as something to earn money off of.

That's not changing.  But, it also brings up a similar vein in that I rarely will let anyone else profit from this blog.

That's not changing, either.  Note, I did say "rarely".

John Lovell is the founder and main driving force behind the Warrior Poet Society.  Coming out of the Army Rangers, he didn't just set himself up as yet another firearms instructor.  He wanted to share his passion for Christ, views on what it means to be a husband and father, and a desire to bring back true masculine characteristics into a politically correct world which is waging an active war against what it means to be a man.  He extended weaponscraft  into life skills for men of all ages.

John Lovell

We all know the struggle any conservative message has in getting through and out via Big Tech.  A few people have tried to become gun-world versions of YouTube and it's only been mildly successful.  The quality has been poor and inconsistent and there has been no unified vision.

Today, John Lovell announced the Warrior Poet Society Network.  It will focus on martial skills, but also what it means to be a man.  Lovell is not the only contributor and it's more than just a gun video platform, but promises to be something of an informal school of life ala a virtual dojo/firing range.  Early bird sign-up is $79.99/year, down $20 from the normal price of $99.99/year.  Renewal is automatic, which I don't like, but it will be at the early bird price for as long as you let it run.

Lovell has a good head on his shoulders and a good crew behind him to make this not look like some late night cable local access show.  So, I'm allowing an exception to the "no one profits off my friends" because I think this is well worth it.  I voted with my pocket book today and urge you to check it out and make up your own mind.

There are some prizes for those who sign up early, but, really, if it's worth it, it's worth it without being bribed by a chance to win something.

Learn more about Warrior Poet Society

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