Chatting with a Doctor on the Front Lines of COVID-19
I'm linking this article from Tim Challies, an interview with a doctor friend of his who specializes in ventilation and is on the front lines of COVID-19 treatment.
It contradicts some of what I've read and supports some, but I leave it here not because I've changed my mind on the issues surrounding the present unpleasantness but to offer a more well rounded view.
I present it with only one comment, and that is that the doctor says the number of deaths is more important than the death rate. This is foolishness and probably goes to show why doctors are so poor with business decisions. If I have 30 deaths in a village of 60 people, that is one thing, but if I have 30 deaths in Tokyo, that is an entirely different situation.
After reading the article, my feelings remain the same - refuse a ventilator and instead request high level of oxygen and time. Of course, it goes without saying that I'm no doctor (as if it would matter if I were as there is no medical consensus on this).
And for those of you not keeping track of the score at home, I actually do have a great deal of skin in the game in terms of risk from COVID-19, and I still believe opening everything up - ALL OF IT - is the best overall decision we can make at this time. Of course, I have yet to ascend to God Emperor of the Known Universe (they won't let me put that on my business cards, can you believe that? I know, how unreasonable) so the decision isn't mine to make, much to the relief of many of you.

It contradicts some of what I've read and supports some, but I leave it here not because I've changed my mind on the issues surrounding the present unpleasantness but to offer a more well rounded view.
I present it with only one comment, and that is that the doctor says the number of deaths is more important than the death rate. This is foolishness and probably goes to show why doctors are so poor with business decisions. If I have 30 deaths in a village of 60 people, that is one thing, but if I have 30 deaths in Tokyo, that is an entirely different situation.
After reading the article, my feelings remain the same - refuse a ventilator and instead request high level of oxygen and time. Of course, it goes without saying that I'm no doctor (as if it would matter if I were as there is no medical consensus on this).
And for those of you not keeping track of the score at home, I actually do have a great deal of skin in the game in terms of risk from COVID-19, and I still believe opening everything up - ALL OF IT - is the best overall decision we can make at this time. Of course, I have yet to ascend to God Emperor of the Known Universe (they won't let me put that on my business cards, can you believe that? I know, how unreasonable) so the decision isn't mine to make, much to the relief of many of you.