Day Dreaming of the 1911
Like many of you, I've been relying on the 9mm for a long time now. It's cheap practice, easy to control, accurate, and does a fair amount of damage. There are a lot of good guns chambered for it as well, allowing the consumer to have pretty much any flavor of pistol they want. Currently, I'm finding the Beretta PX4CC, brain child of Earnest Langdon, retired USMC and world champion shooter, to fit the bill quite nicely (mostly because I just cannot warm up to Glocks, no matter how many decades I'm given):
But, the 9mm is still no .45 despite it's popularity. Tossing 230grn chunks of lead around at 850fps is, quite frankly, one of the most American things a person can do.
Sure, a 115grn 9mm at 1300fps (Federal 9BPLE) is nothing to sneeze at, especially when you can have upwards of fifteen to twenty of them on board, but it's just not quite the same.
For the time being, I'll continue to rely on my Beretta, but a man can dream. And, what do I dream of...?

Sure, a 115grn 9mm at 1300fps (Federal 9BPLE) is nothing to sneeze at, especially when you can have upwards of fifteen to twenty of them on board, but it's just not quite the same.
For the time being, I'll continue to rely on my Beretta, but a man can dream. And, what do I dream of...?

Nighthawk's Thunder Ranch signature model as spec'd out by Clint Smith, Vietnam era Marine, former cop, and life-long instructor including a stint as ops manager of Gunsite, one of the last of the OG's still standing, let alone instructing. You just have to love that smoked nitride look and simple yet effective design details. At less than half the price of a Jason Burton Heirloom Precision custom, it's a downright bargain if you look at it right.
Or, if you catch me in a nostalgic mood, Nighthawk is offering Colt Series 70's which they've worked over into what should have been offered from the factory, and at an even lower price than the Thunder Ranch model:

The future lies with the plastic fantastic options in the Euro pellet, but there will always be a place in the world for a good 1911 .45 ACP, at least there will be in my mine.