George Floyd Riots
I will attempt to be brief as this subject is really fairly forward...
George Floyd, by all accounts, was murdered or at least negligently killed by the Minneapolis Police Department.
The initial protests were peaceful, then, someone.... three guesses as to who and the first two don't count... bussed in Antifa thugs and true violence and rioting began.
If there was a time for violence, it was agains the police while they were killing Mr. Floyd. Yes, I said it. Wearing a badge does not make you immune from the consequences of your actions or of someone righting a wrong you are doing, especially if someone's life is in immediate danger.
Those who stood around videoing the murder should be asking themselves if a stick or rock would have been better for Mr. Floyd than a cell phone at that moment. Would the person have been arrested, yes, but sometimes one pays a price for standing up against tyranny.
As to the riots - they are nothing more than immature people acting out driven by people who are making cold calculations in attempts to destabilize our society, and in the aftermath take advantage of emotions to make fundamental changes to our country. That is what Antifa does. They are the unofficial Brown Shirts of the Democratic Party.
My view is this: we have the right to peaceably assemble and should at times like this. But, once the first car is torched or display window broken, the guilty party is no longer Constitutionally protected and has broken the unspoken pact of civility which holds society together.
I subscribe to the, "One riot, one Ranger," philosophy of riot control. You are a legitimate target if you are about to take away the work of someone else's hands and burn it to the ground.
Rex Applegate studied riots intensely during the post WWII days and the short version is that you find the instigators and remove them from the scene in any way necessary and then use force to quell the riots.
Allowing rioting to continue unchecked is a complete and utter failure of jurisdictional leadership.
Some on the right are screaming for the military, or at least the National Guard, to be spun up in every major city. That's an occupation and just as bad as a riot.
Bruce Willis had a great line in the movie "The Siege" where he describes putting the military into any scene as using a broadsword. We don't need a broadsword, we need a scalpel.
With all of the video out there, finding the majority of rioters after the fact should not be too terribly difficult. If you aren't able to stop them immediately before or during acts of rampage, they need to be hunted down and arrested for the massive destruction which they participated in.
The famous "roof Koreans" of the LA Rodney King riots showed the power and value of the Second Amendment.
When the media describes protecting your own homes and businesses as racist, they throw gasoline onto a literal fire. The First Amendment does not protect one from inciting a riot and licenses should be pulled accordingly.
If the display is peaceful, allow it to continue for it's a Right of The People. But a riot needs to be put down like a rabid dog and in much the same way.
George Floyd, by all accounts, was murdered or at least negligently killed by the Minneapolis Police Department.
The initial protests were peaceful, then, someone.... three guesses as to who and the first two don't count... bussed in Antifa thugs and true violence and rioting began.

Those who stood around videoing the murder should be asking themselves if a stick or rock would have been better for Mr. Floyd than a cell phone at that moment. Would the person have been arrested, yes, but sometimes one pays a price for standing up against tyranny.
As to the riots - they are nothing more than immature people acting out driven by people who are making cold calculations in attempts to destabilize our society, and in the aftermath take advantage of emotions to make fundamental changes to our country. That is what Antifa does. They are the unofficial Brown Shirts of the Democratic Party.
My view is this: we have the right to peaceably assemble and should at times like this. But, once the first car is torched or display window broken, the guilty party is no longer Constitutionally protected and has broken the unspoken pact of civility which holds society together.
I subscribe to the, "One riot, one Ranger," philosophy of riot control. You are a legitimate target if you are about to take away the work of someone else's hands and burn it to the ground.
Rex Applegate studied riots intensely during the post WWII days and the short version is that you find the instigators and remove them from the scene in any way necessary and then use force to quell the riots.
Some on the right are screaming for the military, or at least the National Guard, to be spun up in every major city. That's an occupation and just as bad as a riot.
Bruce Willis had a great line in the movie "The Siege" where he describes putting the military into any scene as using a broadsword. We don't need a broadsword, we need a scalpel.
With all of the video out there, finding the majority of rioters after the fact should not be too terribly difficult. If you aren't able to stop them immediately before or during acts of rampage, they need to be hunted down and arrested for the massive destruction which they participated in.
The famous "roof Koreans" of the LA Rodney King riots showed the power and value of the Second Amendment.

If the display is peaceful, allow it to continue for it's a Right of The People. But a riot needs to be put down like a rabid dog and in much the same way.