The Public as Pawns
Happy Sunday, everyone!
It's been awhile since I've posted. I've been waiting to see how the response to the trickling end of the corona virus would be.
Earlier, I posted that there should be a single captain of the re-opening ship. The tactic of having governors going their own way with their own standards and motivations, only to be complicated by county and city "leaders", creates a situation where the citizen and small business owner have no idea what to do. On one side of an imaginary line, it's illegal to sell a beer or give a haircut, an hour away, people are packing restaurants and small business, those which managed to make it this far at least, are opening their shutters and praying for enough commerce to continue on.
Generally speaking, I'm not for a centralized power structure, but when the response was nation wide, we need someone to at least vet the plans and organize things for continuity and to leverage interstate commerce to maximize the economy. New York City can't come online the same way as Savannah, but there needs to be cohesion and an overall strategic plan for the entire country.
Sadly, politics, to no one's surprise, is being played out very blatantly. A few years ago, Bill Maher was probably the first famous Leftist to openly wish for the economy to collapse in order to lessen Trump's re-election chances. It is beyond disgusting that one would hope for starving families and the pain and death which comes with an economic downturn, but many parroted him.
Now, there is an obvious difference between red and blue states as to the speed in which they are allowing businesses to open and people to return to their normal lives. It's politics pure and clear - the longer the Left can maintain the lockdown, the greater harm they believe they are bringing Trump. Will it work? Will people see through the thinly veiled partisan politics? What will their response be for being used as pawns by the Democratic Party?
When armed men show up to protest at a capital building, they are exercising their First and Second Amendment rights. They are not terrorists, but, nor are they people to be trifled with or ignored. Being elected is not a coronation, but a acceptance of a service role. When the people you are meant to serve show up with guns, you may wish to reconsider your performance and outlook of your service.
One things this virus is doing is peeling the scales from the eyes of many people as to the nature of who is who and how they act. The virus didn't make these people wake up different one day. It's just now, they are showing their true nature.
It's not the Right who is now becoming woke, it is the average American, and, in that, there is hope.

It's been awhile since I've posted. I've been waiting to see how the response to the trickling end of the corona virus would be.
Earlier, I posted that there should be a single captain of the re-opening ship. The tactic of having governors going their own way with their own standards and motivations, only to be complicated by county and city "leaders", creates a situation where the citizen and small business owner have no idea what to do. On one side of an imaginary line, it's illegal to sell a beer or give a haircut, an hour away, people are packing restaurants and small business, those which managed to make it this far at least, are opening their shutters and praying for enough commerce to continue on.
Generally speaking, I'm not for a centralized power structure, but when the response was nation wide, we need someone to at least vet the plans and organize things for continuity and to leverage interstate commerce to maximize the economy. New York City can't come online the same way as Savannah, but there needs to be cohesion and an overall strategic plan for the entire country.
Sadly, politics, to no one's surprise, is being played out very blatantly. A few years ago, Bill Maher was probably the first famous Leftist to openly wish for the economy to collapse in order to lessen Trump's re-election chances. It is beyond disgusting that one would hope for starving families and the pain and death which comes with an economic downturn, but many parroted him.
Now, there is an obvious difference between red and blue states as to the speed in which they are allowing businesses to open and people to return to their normal lives. It's politics pure and clear - the longer the Left can maintain the lockdown, the greater harm they believe they are bringing Trump. Will it work? Will people see through the thinly veiled partisan politics? What will their response be for being used as pawns by the Democratic Party?
When armed men show up to protest at a capital building, they are exercising their First and Second Amendment rights. They are not terrorists, but, nor are they people to be trifled with or ignored. Being elected is not a coronation, but a acceptance of a service role. When the people you are meant to serve show up with guns, you may wish to reconsider your performance and outlook of your service.
One things this virus is doing is peeling the scales from the eyes of many people as to the nature of who is who and how they act. The virus didn't make these people wake up different one day. It's just now, they are showing their true nature.
It's not the Right who is now becoming woke, it is the average American, and, in that, there is hope.