Who is John Galt?
We have to be careful with our heroes because all men (and women) have feet of clay.
Even the best of us are not right about 100% of things.
This really applies to Ayn Rand. She was so correct about so many things, but couldn't shake her communist education when it came to religion. But, when it came to political science and sociology, she was spot on.
If you never have, get through Atlas Shrugged. Not the movie trilogy, ugh, that was bad. But, the book is quite the read. From a literary aspect the writing and plot elements are a bit heavy handed and only moderately creative, but as a tome on how evil and messed up government can be and how important civilian risk takers are, it's without peer.
You should read it for no other reason than to read John Galt's famous speech.
If you have to listen to it on audiobook, that counts, too.
A quote of Rand's showed up on Prager U's Instagram feed today and inspired this post. As is typical of Prager, the quote is a timely one: There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
Of course, this must be followed by the common folk wisdom that you can vote yourself into socialism but have to shoot your way out of it. Socialism, Communism, Fascism - all the same with minor quibblings over how industry is controlled at the level below the overall control of the state.
Even the best of us are not right about 100% of things.
This really applies to Ayn Rand. She was so correct about so many things, but couldn't shake her communist education when it came to religion. But, when it came to political science and sociology, she was spot on.

You should read it for no other reason than to read John Galt's famous speech.
If you have to listen to it on audiobook, that counts, too.
A quote of Rand's showed up on Prager U's Instagram feed today and inspired this post. As is typical of Prager, the quote is a timely one: There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
Of course, this must be followed by the common folk wisdom that you can vote yourself into socialism but have to shoot your way out of it. Socialism, Communism, Fascism - all the same with minor quibblings over how industry is controlled at the level below the overall control of the state.