Norwegian Looks at What's Next
Thomas Massie, Republican representative from Kentucky, has been attacked by the Left and Right for simply asking representatives to do what we send them to Washington, D.C., to do - formally vote on the $2,000,000,000,000 corona virus "stimulus" bill. You know, the one where they give you back your own money and ask to be congratulated for it. All Rep. Massie did was follow the Constitution. It really was a telling moment. For decades, the Left has been accused of seeing the Constitution as an impediment to what they want to do, not a guide. Now, we see the same holds for the corporate Right as well. Even so-called conservatives are making fun of those who question the government's right and ability to do things such as close businesses and limit travel. In places like Rhode Island and Florida, it has literally been, "Where are your papers?", you know, the WWII joke that was always made when totalitarianism came up. As someone pointed out, the Foundi...