
Hello, I've broken the chains which bind and now have a dedicated website - . I have decided to let this Blogspot blog stand as moving all of the content would be too time consuming. But, if you would like to continue to follow, please go to the new site and resubscribe. I look forward to seeing you there! Thank you all, -David

Who is John Galt?

We have to be careful with our heroes because all men (and women) have feet of clay. Even the best of us are not right about 100% of things. This really applies to Ayn Rand.  She was so correct about so many things, but couldn't shake her communist education when it came to religion.  But, when it came to political science and sociology, she was spot on. If you never have, get through Atlas Shrugged .   Not the movie trilogy, ugh, that was bad.  But, the book is quite the read.  From a literary aspect the writing and plot elements are a bit heavy handed and only moderately creative, but as a tome on how evil and messed up government can be and how important civilian risk takers are, it's without peer. You should read it for no other reason than to read John Galt's famous speech. If you have to listen to it on audiobook, that counts, too. A quote of Rand's showed up on Prager U's Instagram feed today and inspired this post.  As is typical of ...

Savage Arms 110 Ultralight

I can't explain it, but I have a real Jones for a new Savage Arms 110 Ultralight . It would provide all the practical use for me as a third nipple, but I have to admire what they've done. Not as slick of an action as some other brands, Savage, in my experience, spends their money on the barrel, which we all know is the heart of any firearm.  The actions just chug along doing their thing year after year, decade after decade, and the entire package is more accurate than their bargain basement price would have you believe possible. Not that the Ultralight is bargain basement price, and, as such, will likely never grace my collection, but a boy can dream. And, what chambering?  I think I would have to go with .270.  I used a .270 in college to repeal the overwhelming hoards of jack rabbits which were feared to take over the Southwest.  (Never heard of the Great Jack Rabbit Plague of the 1990's?  That's because we were good at what we did.)  And, rec...

George Floyd Riots

I will attempt to be brief as this subject is really fairly forward... George Floyd, by all accounts, was murdered or at least negligently killed by the Minneapolis Police Department. The initial protests were peaceful, then, someone.... three guesses as to who and the first two don't count... bussed in Antifa thugs and true violence and rioting began. If there was a time for violence, it was agains the police while they were killing Mr. Floyd.  Yes, I said it.  Wearing a badge does not make you immune from the consequences of your actions or of someone righting a wrong you are doing, especially if someone's life is in immediate danger. Those who stood around videoing the murder should be asking themselves if a stick or rock would have been better for Mr. Floyd than a cell phone at that moment.  Would the person have been arrested, yes, but sometimes one pays a price for standing up against tyranny. As to the riots - they are nothing more than immature peopl...

Time for America To Get Back To Being America In More Ways Than One


From Wolves to Sofas

Courtesy of the Freedom Is Just Another Word...  blog.  Those with dogs will get it:

Smoke, Mirrors, and Division

Good day! Some of you may wonder why I've been silent about this stage of COVID-19 and Obamagate. For a few reasons... First, the spectacle of Obamagate is so great that it makes me wonder what they are trying to draw our attention away from? Well, Obamagate is DOA.   Fox News is reporting that Barr says Obama and Biden, both whose hands are as dirty as it gets, will not be investigated for the "Russian probe", aka the attempted coupe d'etat to take down a duly elected official, the official being no less than the President himself.  This on top of Fast and Furious to gut the Constitution, the weaponization of the IRS, Benghazi, false birth certificates, seeding tens of thousands of leftist immigrants into cities across the USA to change their cultures, and so many other things which came out of the Obama years, who can remember them all?  They thought they were above the law, and it appears they were correct. This speaks of cowardice of the first order ...

Day Dreaming of the 1911

Like many of you, I've been relying on the 9mm for a long time now.  It's cheap practice, easy to control, accurate, and does a fair amount of damage.  There are a lot of good guns chambered for it as well, allowing the consumer to have pretty much any flavor of pistol they want.  Currently, I'm finding the Beretta PX4CC, brain child of Earnest Langdon, retired USMC and world champion shooter, to fit the bill quite nicely (mostly because I just cannot warm up to Glocks, no matter how many decades I'm given): But, the 9mm is still no .45 despite it's popularity.  Tossing 230grn chunks of lead around at 850fps is, quite frankly, one of the most American things a person can do. Sure, a 115grn 9mm at 1300fps (Federal 9BPLE) is nothing to sneeze at, especially when you can have upwards of fifteen to twenty of them on board, but it's just not quite the same. For the time being, I'll continue to rely on my Beretta, but a man can dream.  And, what do I dream...

The Public as Pawns

Happy Sunday, everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted.  I've been waiting to see how the response to the trickling end of the corona virus would be. Earlier, I posted that there should be a single captain of the re-opening ship.  The tactic of having governors going their own way with their own standards and motivations, only to be complicated by county and city "leaders", creates a situation where the citizen and small business owner have no idea what to do.  On one side of an imaginary line, it's illegal to sell a beer or give a haircut, an hour away, people are packing restaurants and small business, those which managed to make it this far at least, are opening their shutters and praying for enough commerce to continue on. Generally speaking, I'm not for a centralized power structure, but when the response was nation wide, we need someone to at least vet the plans and organize things for continuity and to leverage interstate commerce to ma...

Chatting with a Doctor on the Front Lines of COVID-19

I'm linking this article from Tim Challies , an interview with a doctor friend of his who specializes in ventilation and is on the front lines of COVID-19 treatment. It contradicts some of what I've read and supports some, but I leave it here not because I've changed my mind on the issues surrounding the present unpleasantness but to offer a more well rounded view. I present it with only one comment, and that is that the doctor says the number of deaths is more important than the death rate.  This is foolishness and probably goes to show why doctors are so poor with business decisions.  If I have 30 deaths in a village of 60 people, that is one thing, but if I have 30 deaths in Tokyo, that is an entirely different situation. After reading the article, my feelings remain the same - refuse a ventilator and instead request high level of oxygen and time.  Of course, it goes without saying that I'm no doctor (as if it would matter if I were as there is no medical co...

George Orwell - a Last Warning

Here is a two minute video on YouTube  stemming from an interview (or at least a dramatization of an interview) with George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and 1984 . The words are well known, but, as the years pass, they become ever more poignant and more on point. A bit of thought, not a lot, but a bit, is required to think about how to heed such words.  From there will stem a tree of ideas, branches going every which way, but buds green with freedom and not red with the blood of Communism/Fascism/Totalitarianism. Yes, blood may be inevitable, it so often has been in the human struggle throughout history, but if it so, is this not why we teach (taught?) values clarification and the idea of triage to our middle-schoolers?  I suppose I live in the past, but, if blood is to be spilt better theirs than ours, better mine than yours, and, yet, better none at all if freedom can be secured without it. It's not like we haven't been warned...

Truth and Lies About the Corona Virus

The blog, Truth and Lies About the Corona Virus , is a bit long, but it's essential reading, especially for those of your gripped in fear of the disease or on the fence about what to do next. Read it and share it.  I'm not going to post the text here - too long, but have provided the link and encourage everyone to read it.

Transitioning a Society

This "quarantine" was intended to "flatten the curve".  Mission accomplished.  Now, get out of our way so we can fix the damage done by you, the politician. It was never about making sure no one ever caught the virus.  In fact, for herd immunity to work, the majority of people need to be exposed and build anti-bodies against the contagion.  We are prolonging the inevitable by keeping people locked down and businesses closed.  Once everything opens, there will be a spike in COVID-19 cases, and that is OK. The greatest threat to America and the world right now is not the virus, it is the transfer of power from the people to the politicians.  It's transferring because we are all obeying orders which are schizophrenic (release murders and put paddle boarders in jail) and downright illegal (where does the Constitution list who is "essential" and who is not?). Historically and Biblically, the sick were quarantined while the healthy went about the busin...

Has a Corner Been Turned?, or the Inevitable Begins to Happen.

For years, there has been a debate in America about what would happen if tyrannical minded politicians were able to grab the reigns of power and use the police/law enforcement as a domestic military force. Now, outside of local natural disasters, we have an idea playing out on a national scale. Our prediction has long been that as the social construct begins to fall apart, the police would end up in the cross hairs even more than the politicians who dictate what the police focus on, as wrong as that is.  That's not a threat, promise, or any vindictive motivation, it's a forecast, a prediction, a reading of the metaphorical chicken bones and tea leaves. We've received much negative criticism for this over the years as if we have prognosticated such action when that is the opposite of what we want.  It's a prediction followed by a solution... police yourself. Sadly, with each natural disaster (think Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans), the police become more bold i...

COVID-19 News Out of Asia

China, amidst strong world condemnation for falsifying the number of deaths in Wuhan, recently released new numbers. The amount dead almost doubled, but considering this is the epicenter of the pandemic, less than 4,000 deaths in a city of 11,000,000, it’s still hardly credible. Either they are still lying (very possible), or its just more evidence of extreme over reaction on everyone’s (ok, not Sweden’s) part. Let's pretend for the moment the numbers a real, in Wuhan, 4.6% of the population caught the virus. Of those. 7.7% died.  But that means the death rate to the overall population is currently .035%. Meanwhile, South Korea reports that about 2% of those who had COVID-19 test positive a second time within a month of initial recovery. They say these people are not nearly as contagious as an initial case and the only some show even mild symptoms. While doctors are choking teenagers for not properly social distancing, the world actually seems to be handling this pretty wel...